This week in the sideblog.

by sam on 04/10/2005

somewhat frivolous edition…

  • I’ve been listening to Leonard Lopate interview Charles Barkley (last item on the page), and it’s seriously awesome. I suggest y’all download the podcast if you can. (Mon Apr 4 2005 1:43 PM)
  • I think it’s a little bit wrong that the lyrics to Meryn Cadell’s The Pope keep running through my head. (Mon Apr 4 2005 2:18 PM)
  • I love the Shake Shack as much as the next person who lives or works near Madison Square, but this? Is nuts! It’ll be open until November, people! In the meantime, try one of the other million or so restaurants in the neighborhood. (Wed Apr 6 2005 3:25 PM)
  • Can someone please explain to me why I constantly get catalogs for patio and lawn furniture? Do they not notice that the address label is for an 11th floor apartment in NYC? (Wed Apr 6 2005 4:35 PM)
