NYC – It’s…healthy?

by sam on 09/28/2004

Apparently, living in non-sprawling metropolitan areas (like NYC) is healthier than living in suburbs. Who’d have thunk it? I suppose for all of the smog, people do tend to walk significantly more (plus, even when taking the subway, it usually involves lots of stairs).

There are some days that I just decide to walk home instead of taking the bus. It’s two miles (approximately 33 downtown and 2 crosstown blocks). And frankly, with city traffic, it often takes less time to walk than to ride.


I haven’t posted much about politics lately, first, because I got super-busy at work again, and most of my coherent thoughts are going into the stuff I actually get paid to do, and second, because it just seems like the same topics keep getting played over and over again. I’ll be watching the debate on Thursday, though (possibly on TiVO depending on work), and will probably have some thoughts on it, but otherwise, you may be seeing a larger proportion of non-politics related ramblings.

Plus, vacation in two weeks!!
