Slightly less prolific…
by sam on 08/20/2004Sorry that my updates have been a little more sporadic recently, but I’ve been totally busy with my real job. It’s only the 19th (or 20th given that it’s 12:40 in the morning) and I’ve already billed close to 170 hours this month. I truly do enjoy what I do, but at times it does leave a little less time for the whole hobby-blogging thing. Plus, spending several days writing corporate documents can really suck the political and literary creativity out of anyone (yeah, I know – from the outside it looks like the most boring job on earth. Maybe I’m just a boring person in denial – whatever the case, my job suits me, or I suit it). Not to mention that I couldn’t get any work done this weekend, due to one of my best friends getting married. And with this post, I’m coming close to breaking my personal rule about never writing about work or friends in any substantive way, so that’s where it ends. ‘night y’all.
Tags: blogging, friends, miscellaney