Awww, puppies.

by sam on 10/29/2004

The New York Times continues its series of relatively inconsequential stories to appear on the front page, this time about the "sale" of St. Bernards from, well, St. Bernard, Switzerland. But there are cute pictures. Apparently, the dogs aren’t going anywhere, but the owners are hoping to essentially find sponsors to take over the cost of keeping them.

I actually linked to this story because as I was reading it, I kept thinking that the location sounded awfully familiar. And then I realized that I actually spent a night in Martigny a few years back, when I went bicycling through France and Switzerland after I took the bar. It was an extraordinarily pretty, and small, town. We stayed in the one hotel, where we caused such a ruckus (by playing cards all night) that we were asked to never come back.
